Thursday, January 14, 2010

A little off track is good sometimes...but how about most of the time?

Nevermind WHY I was in my crawl space at 7:45am. Not important? No... it WAS important, but just not why I'm here NOW, completely OFF track.
Perhaps "off track" is exactly where I need to be right now. Perhaps, I'm just trying to make myself feel better for being so rediculously ADD. ANYWAYS... as I was CRAWLING, I came across a loose piece of paper in desperate need of a home, along with an infinite number of relatives in that already cramped space. It was a piece of... "I'm fairly sure it's true..but I just don't really remembering DOING this at all", NON-fiction written by none other than MY literary genius husband. The subject matter was one that made me scrunch my eyebrows as I read through, admiring what an amazing writer my husband is, but wondering Am I serously THAT wierd? Nothing in this tale is something I would 'never do'... all of it is possible, and dare I say, probable. It's just that I totally don't remember DOING this, which makes me wonder how many OTHER stories like this could be written about all the OTHER strange things I know I've done,but just can't remember because I'm.....well.... 40.

Strange is in the eyes of the beholder though... I'll let you be the judge.

It will have to be its own post though.

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